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Old 09-10-2013, 01:35 PM   #31
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
You pass a UN mandate to collect and destroy them with conditions for repercussions on any use or possession post mandate.

The point of air strikes would be sufficient punishment that Syria didn't use them again. If they voluntarily give them up that has been accomplished with much less risk of escalation.

It's an implicit acknowledgment by Russia that the attack wasn't a rebel stunt as was proposed. Assad is slapped with a UN resolution that will limit his military options and leaves the door open for further action depending on future humanitarian issues.

Putin doesn't really gain anything, Assad loses and Obama doesn't have to face a potential backlash...USA wins.

"Putin doesn't really gain anything"

Putin pulls of a stunt where his pal Assas esentially gets a pass for gassing civilians, while Obama has egg on his face to the world. That's not Putin 'winning' anything?

"Obama doesn't have to face a potential backlash"

Of course he will, as Obama's credibility as a force to be reckoned with has beed eroded, if it was there to begin with. The would-be Assad's out there will be emboldened by this.

"Assad loses "

Loses what? Assad gets to remain in power, he gets essentially a free pass for gassing his own people? You yourself said here that what these guys want more than anything, is to remain in control. So by your own words, Asad retains that which matters most to him. So what's his punishment for gassing little kids, that maybe he gives up his chemical weapons, forcing him to go back to shooting little kids like he has done for years?
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