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Old 09-11-2013, 06:51 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Is Putin still smirking?

yup.....especially after the Peacock in the Headlights blathered on last night accomplishing little and swaying few.....lost his mojo...

I was initially upset over the "my friends on the right and left" portion of the speech suggesting that his "friends" were either trigger happy war mongers or champions of freedom and dignity depending on which side of the aisle they occupy and certainly not both...he rarely misses an opportunity to be divisive....soooo..if you don't support the Peacock and you are a rightie friend I guess that means you aren't all that trigger happy after all otherwise you'd be chomping at the bit to flex some "military might"....

but if you don't support the president and you are a leftie friend you must lack compassion and not have a heart and probably don't care about freedom and human dignity....

I think the leftie friends should be far more offended than the rightie friends

"And so, to my friends on the right, I ask you to reconcile your commitment to America’s military might with a failure to act when a cause is so plainly just. To my friends on the left, I ask you to reconcile your belief in freedom and dignity for all people with those images of children writhing in pain, and going still on a cold hospital floor."

ouch....that hurts

Last edited by scottw; 09-11-2013 at 07:12 AM..
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