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Old 09-17-2013, 05:26 PM   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 801
Where is the flaw in my logic?

The Obama administration has recently announced a marketing campaign to educate and hopefully convince people that Obamacare is actually a good thing. The cost of the PR campaign $700 million!

How many people are currently in the US? 314 million.

The government could open an health savings account(HSA) for EVERY American(man, woman and child) and deposit $2 million in it to pay for their health care costs. If each account earned .5% interest, that would be a yearly increase of $100,000 dollars. Plenty of money for most people's health care costs without even reducing the principal.

What am I missing here??? Wouldn't this solve most, if not all, of our healthcare issues? Why would we spend over a trillion dollars to insure about 40 million people with no insurance?

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