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Old 10-02-2013, 05:51 AM   #8
Jim in CT
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From today's Reuters news:

"White House spokesman Jay Carney on Thursday called Republican tactics on the debt limit a 'political extortion game.' President Obama repeatedly has warned that he wants a debt limit increase with no strings attached."

When Obama bashed Bush in 2006, Bush was attempting to raise the debt ceiling to $9 trillion. Obama called that a "leadership failure". Now that Obama wants to raise the debt ceiling to what, $17 trillion? And Obama isn't willing to tolerate any interference?

But Spence said he 'explained all that in 2011' (but would not elaborate when I asked), even though what's happening now is occurring at the end of 2013. So in addition to being cool, handsome, and brilliant, Spence feels Obama can also see into the future...
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