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Old 10-10-2013, 08:04 AM   #10
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Nebe View Post
You guys realize that the GOP has a hand in this too... Right?
Its called extortion.
But what is the real pisser is that the GOP is so desperate that they had to wait to pull this rabbit out of their hat. Because it's all they have left.
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The GOP, as of this moment, has no constitutional mechanism for demanding that those benefits get paid. Obama could have fixed this yesterday.

The GOP is partly responsible for the shutdown, no question.

Eben, let me ask you this. Do you even know what the GOP is asking for? Many people think, mistakenly, that the GOP wants to "delay Obamacare" for a year. Not true. It's about the requirement that you participate in Obamacare, or face fines. The feds have told 'businesses' that the requirement to participate in Obamacare is delayed by a year. So businesses can particiupate in Obamacare if they want, but if they choose not to, they won't get fined this year.

The GOP wants individuals to be treated the same way. Today, individuals must participate in Obamacare or get fined. What the GOP is saying is, give individuals the same one-year amnesty that Obama has given to business. SO the GOP is proposing that individuals can enroll in Obamacare if they want, but that the fines don't start until next year - the same amnesty that Obama rewarded business.

That doens't sound so outrageous to me. Does it to you?
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