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Old 10-16-2013, 06:55 PM   #79
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
You guys are really talking out of your asses here. DoD lawyers reviewed the law and didn't think the payments were legal. It's a felony to spend government funds not appropriated by congress. This has been widely reported.

So far you've produced nothing to counter this and instead resort to tired ad hominem attacks.

Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.

Please support your claim that Obama could not have fixed this with an executive order.

You are the one who has come up with one fabricated, desperate excuse after another, to justify this. Spence, one day, go to a military funeral, and maybe you'll learn something tat you won't learn by watching MSNBC or by reading The Daily Worker.

Spence, I just looked for support of your claim that lawyers determined that it would have been illegal to make those payments. I found nothing. Can you show us your evidence?

Even if that's true (and that's a very big if), since when did laws stop democrats from doing what they believe is just? For example, liberals support the disobedience of laws dealing with immigration. Don't our KIA's deserve the same courtesy as illegal aliens? You have fun with that one.
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