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Old 10-24-2013, 10:18 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
The effort to undermine Obama via his race has been very consistent and well coordinated. He's a Muslim, he's a Kenyan, he wasn't born in the USA, he's not like us, he doesn't share our values etc...

If Obama was a white guy named Steve this strategy wouldn't take. It's amazing though how far this scare tactic has went...with no evidence it's almost to the point of being mainstream in some circles.

Not only are any of the "efforts" you list above not fundamentally about race, but can only be made so by a silly notion that they are code for race. That a code is needed to call attention to Obama's race is ridiculous on its face, and on Obama's face. He is obviously black, everyone who was not blind and didn't live in a cave where there was no information about outside activities, including politics, knew he was black (maybe were not quite up to his being half white). Much was, and is, made about him being the first black President. His race was never hidden or obscure, and that a need for some "code" to call attention to it is absurd.

But the convenience of pretending such a code exists, of using the "race card," in order not only to deflect from the actual statements or opinions about Obama relating to his competency for the office of President, is the real "scare tactic." It is a real tactic for which there is no evidence and which is "mainstream in some circles"--as pointed out in this article:

Last edited by detbuch; 10-24-2013 at 10:04 PM..
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