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Old 10-27-2013, 06:06 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
Yes, I agree we are in much trouble. To a great degree, in the social and political realms, we have become a society based on ad hoc decisions rather than on principles. What works, how it can be fixed, is based on narrow situational problems and perspectives rather than on the grand scheme. Fix economic problems such as the cost of health care by the most obvious idea--fix the price so everyone can afford it--rather than applying economic principles. Rather than understanding economic forces which make things "affordable" to greater numbers, let's just have the government fix the thing and by fiat lower the price--theoretical consequences be damned. Isn't that what government is for, and if not, what's it good for?

And so government responds (or instigates). It abandons principles and "fixes" things by "pragmatic" mandates which most "obviously" and immediately produce solutions. That the solutions, not being results of time tested principles, become further and even larger problems is not seen as a result, but as a flaw in execution. Not enough money, not enough time, not enough of some x factor which more regulations will surely address. Obstructionists will only slow down the progress of solving our problems. They are the kooks and must be marginalized, destroyed if necessary, in order to continue toward the perfection of society. And principles are like huge stones in a garden. They petrify the soil, and must be discarded.

We've progressively dug ourselves into deeper holes in this way, and the only solution of management by ad hoc managers is more of the same. Just in more expansive and larger quantities.
this also assumes a benevolent government that will not grant favoritism and benefits to political supporters and cronies, free of corruption and one that will not use the power given to intimidate and manipulate and one that is competent enough to manage this responsibility which will result in the savings of billions( I believe it would be a first)...rather than cost multi-billions in the long run
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