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Old 10-28-2013, 07:22 AM   #12
Jim in CT
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Paul, a few things..

(1) I am embarassed that any Republican would think that Obama is a Muslim, given that there is zero evidence of that. And that's a difference between you and I. I call out the kooks on my side, whereas you have not criticized COngreessman Grayson. Maybe you agree with him, that the Tea Party is the equivalent of the Klan. I don't know, because despite all your replies on this post, you haven't commented on the subject that started the thread.

(2) there is no way that 46% of the GOP thinks he is a Muslim. It can't be that high.

(3) if he were a Muslim, that would be preferable to whatever religion he actually is. Islam is way preferable to whatever name you want to give to the hate spewed in Wright's "church" for 20 years. Calling Obama a Muslim is, in my opinion, an insult to Islam. I know lots of Muslims who are a lot less hateful and divisive than Obama is.

Obama called Rev Wright his 'spiritual mentor'. That necessarily means, that Obama is a disciple of lies, hate and racism, not Christianity. No one, and I mean no one, who embraces Rev Wright's bile is a Christian. Let's be honest enough to admit that Obama didn't abandon Rev Wright until it became professionally profitable for him to do so. Obama will claim to embrace whatever he needs to embrace, in order to get the next station in life that he feels he is entitled to.

Obama threw Wright under the bus, and switched to mainstream Christianity, when David Axlerod pointed out his polling numbers during the 2008 campaign. It was a political ploy (or a spectacular coincidence of timing). That doesn't qualify as genuine Christianity in my book.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 10-28-2013 at 07:56 AM..
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