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Old 10-28-2013, 09:57 AM   #15
Jim in CT
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Paul S -

"So you think saying the Pres. doesn't love the country, wasn't born here or is a Muslim isn't hate mongering?. "

Paul, there is compelling evidence for a rational person (not merely someone blinded by hate) to suggest that Obama despises the principles this country was founded upon. Obama's wife doesn't like the country (she said she wasn't proud of it until her hubby got the nomination). Obama's political mentor, Bill Ayers, is a domestic terrorist who clearly hates the country. Obama's spiritual mentor, Reverend Wright, is a deranged lunatic who clearly hates the country.

If Obama's (1) wife, (2) political mentor, and (3) spiritual mentor are all radicals, why is it racist or hateful to comclude that Obama is one as well? Heck, why is that even a controversial thing to say? Where am I wrong about Michelle, Bill, or Jeremiah?
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