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Old 11-01-2013, 01:39 PM   #2
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
Jim, it sounds to me like you're just quibbling. You don't seem to have much against Obamacare, you just don't like the lies, and in the end it will cost the Dems politically. If Obmacare is a good thing, then the Dems are to be admired for their courage and willingness to lose votes.
I am not necessarily saying I think Obamacare is a good thing, not at all.

I am saying, that it seems fair and decent to me, that we have some risk-sharing mechanism where healthy people (who could get sick at any time) subsidize sick people in some way. If we could accomplish that without the federal government being involved, I would prefer that. I know that Catholic hospitals (which I donate to) will treat folks regardless of their ability to pay. So we do have some of that. But maybe we could level the playing field a bit more?

I don't think anyone should endure a lifelong financial burden for something they have zero control over. Nor do I think that healthy people 'deserve' the lifelong financial windfall that comes with being healthy.

I am not talking about health expenses that are within one's control...if you choose to smoke and get lung cancer, I don't want you reaching into my pocket.

I'm not saying I like Obamacare. But I guess I am saying that the strict libertarian view on this, seems a bit callous to me.

Maybe I'm not saying anything, I don't know.
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