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Old 11-02-2013, 01:48 PM   #16
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by likwid View Post
I still have my health plan. No cancellation letter, so yes, they did make good on that promise.

Its not their fault that people with sketchy cheap plans are getting told they're getting cancelled by their health insurance company. It was the health insurance company that made that decision. Not the government.

Happy to see some of these #^&#^&#^&#^&ty PPO's that have been floating around finally going down the tube.
"did make good on that promise"

No, he didn't. Because I don't recall Obama saying that only you would get to keep your plan. If he had said that, he would have kept that promise. But what he said, was that everyone who liked their plan would be able to keep it. Likwid, if you still maintain that he kept that promise, you are far beyond help.

"It was the health insurance company that made that decision. Not the government."

Absolutely, 100% wrong. Obamacare included new minimum coverage limits that plans had to offer. Obamacare rendered many existing plans illegal. Thus, those plans were forced to non-renew their insureds. Try making that wrong! Get some facts before you start suggesting that Obama had no hand in this.

I don't feel ethically compelled to pay for Sandra Fluke's rubbers. If she wants to fornicate, she can do it on her own dime. Why stop at the birth control? If I have to pay for her condoms when the time is right, why not require me to pay for the dinner and the movie (most likely a vegan dinner followed by a Michael Moore flick) that set the tone for the evening's festivities?
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