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Old 11-02-2013, 02:28 PM   #1
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Well, you're not really right either. The insurance companies make the decision to terminate the old plans. They can always adjust the plan to comply...or not make significant changes to grandfathered plans either. Certainly though the law is influencing the behavior.

Funny thing is the notices being reported aren't kicking people off insurance, they're to shift them onto other plans. I can't believe how the Right Wing media got this story so wrong????

I thought Rush Limbaugh's Sandra Fluke remarks were some of the most ugly and vile things he's ever said...that you'd choose to parrot them surprises me. I actually thought you were better than that Jim.

"They can always adjust the plan to comply"

Yes, they can. But then it's not the same plan. And the ability to keep the current plan, is what Obama promised. You're not spinning his way out of that demonstrable lie.

"the notices being reported aren't kicking people off insurance, they're to shift them onto other plans"

Wrong. The regs are rendering the current plans illegal. And most folks can't get into a new Obamacare plan, because with 3.5 years and a jillion dollars,. the website they came up with is a POS. Obamacare is thus increasing the number of uninsured, which is pretty ironic.

Sandra Fluke is a parasite and a shameless skank. I'm not parroting Rush Limbaugh, whose show I have literally never heard. That I happen to agree with Rush on this topic does not mean I am parroting him, that's my own conclusion based on the empirical evidence.
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