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Old 11-10-2013, 04:15 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
That would have been slick if I said it. But I didn't. Never mentioned "liberals" or "conservatives" nor "principled lies." Slick try though by setting up a semi-straw man as if you were questioning something I did say.
You did say "The issue, then, is choosing either principle or progressivism. The former are adherents, the latter are the strategists" just after claiming that all politicians lie. Sure sounds slick to me...

I didn't say he was. And I wasn't merely referring to Obamacare in speaking about political lying. As far as Obama is concerned, there has been a pattern of truth twisting, to be generous, throughout his campaigns to get elected and re-elected and the continuous campaign mode and cover-ups he has maintained afterward. I didn't attribute such "lying" only to him but to "politicians" in general. I specifically said politics is war and war requires deceit.
So why be so critical? Hey, everybody does it.

Anyway, If he was told the vast majority wouldn't be impacted and those who were would likely end up with a better deal anyway, then his constant reiteration that you wouldn't lose your plan and could keep your doctor, period, was a typical stretching of the truth (a lie) to sell his plan and to help re-election.
Interestingly enough there's a video of Obama with House Republicans discussing the bill back in 2010 where Obama admits at least 10 million will lose their old plans. If this is some big lie I'd think he would have been called on it quite some time ago.

I didn't say he was more/less honest. And I certainly don't share your spin that the "big difference" is that he has a motivated hate machine dogging him, subtilely and falsely implying that Bush and Clinton didn't, but then switching to if they did it was nothing like today because the internet has "matured" (or immatured) enough to make it so. Quite a quick maturation. Am I to assume this hate machine waited five (a whole 5!) years for the internet to mature, and that the internet was just too unmatured for it to roar at this rate when he first ran for office and is spewing out "hate" at record amounts now?--kudos for a very imaginative spin. And that the negativity is merely about hatred not about reaction to policy, betrayal, and lying?--spin, spin, spinning.
The hate machine started well before his first term and has eclipsed anything we've witnesses in recent memory. Yes, some of the opposition is legitimate policy differences, but the bulk of it is personal...

As you often do, you set up tiny straw men, and totally ignore the majority, if not actually the entirety, of the post you respond to. Is there a bit of that strategic "lying" inherent in your attempts to justify? You thinking of running for political office?
I think my body of work here on this site alone would likely keep me from public office. Unless I ran as a conservative, the libs really don't know how to exploit the Internet that well

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