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Old 11-22-2013, 09:55 AM   #11
Jim in CT
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[QUOTE=RIROCKHOUND;1022338][Quote=FlyRod] Look at the person that said that....he is vile....comes from a country that hates women...treats them worse then cattle ...keeps them un educated.

The U.K.?

Bashir is a scum bag who stirs the pot on purpose. cant/wont watch his show or Al Sharptons, as I find they usually lack and real substance and focus on the noise of politics. I find Bashir condescending and a blind idealog. That being said, this is no worse than the crap that folks like Ann Coulter or Alex Jones, who probably have similar or larger audiences of influences than Bashir.

Give me a #^&#^&#^&#^&ing break. wah, only the left says evil things. Nothing is EVER said bad about the current president, right? No one questions where he came from, or his motivations, or his hatred of his country? Palin is a grand-stander, period. She bailed out of her term as governor to make money, and hell, won't even go on O'Rielly b/c he might disagree with her and she'd have to defend her self.

Probably one of the most disrespectful thing you have ever said about liberals. You are right, most liberal women would have gone the infanticide route...
"Give me a #^&#^&#^&#^&ing break. wah, only the left says evil things. Nothing is EVER said bad about the current president"

Excuse me, give me the break. I never, ever said that conservatives never stoop to that level. What I said, and I am correct, is that your side took mud-slinging to new heights (or depths, more accurately) with Sarah Palin. My favorite, they said that her Down's Syndrome child was not actually her child, but rather the child of her daughter. You tell me, when did conservatives use a mentally challenged child as club to beat their political opponents with? I'm all ears...They went after her clothes, her family, her children. I've never seen it before or since...

I deon't "question" Obama's loathing for what this country stands for, because there is no longer any quyestion about the issue...he hates what we stand for. His wife hates this country (not proud of it till he got the nomination), his spiritual mentor is a deranged lunatic who hates the country, and his political mentor (Bill Ayers) is a lunatic who clearly hates the country. I say that, I support it with irrefutable evidence, so it's not nearly as vile as going after a Downs Syndrome baby for Chrissakes.

I was not a Palin fan, by the way, not as a VP candidate. That said, the democrat attacks were dispicable (the personal and family attacks...questioning her abilities and policies is obviously fair game).

"She bailed out of her term as governor to make money, and hell, won't even go on O'Rielly b/c he might disagree with her "

Those are absolutely fair, legitimate criticisms.

"You are right, most liberal women would have gone the infanticide route... "

Damn right they would have., You deny that? Liberal women aren't more likely to choose abortion of a Downs syndrome baby than conservative women? You deny that? Really?

"Palin is a grand-stander, period"

Yes, that's why she chose to raise all of her kids without domestic help, because she is a grandstander. That's why she took on the challengs of raising a special needs child, one of the most difficult, gut-wrenching challenges in the entire human experience. she only took that on because she is a grandstander. When she got picked, she had the highest approval ratings of all 50 governors...that doesn't imply that she has any abilities, nope, she only got that ranking because of her grandstanding. Nothing more.

Is she a grandstander? Sure. Is that "all" she is? Hell, no.
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