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Old 12-02-2013, 08:58 AM   #24
Jim in CT
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Ask the Boston Police, and Boston Fire Department how that works, Mayor Menino a Democrat backed by Unions gave them all the shaft , they are not allowed to strike , and have been working for years without raises or a contract. After they finally agreed to Arbitration, the City didn't like what the cops had won, and ware trying not to pay it.

Unions aren't the only ones to blame for the loss of manufacturing jobs in this country. Business owners, and Wall Street demand more money in their pockets, therefore they move things over seas where the Average call center worker in India makes about $2 per hour. Do you know of anyone in America who could live on that? There is plenty of blame to go around for everyone.
"they (police and firemen) are not allowed to strike "

Good. There is no earthly reason why police or firemen should ever be allowed to strike. If they strike, that puts everyone at risk, and that's not acceptable, ever.

"There is plenty of blame to go around for everyone"

It's not all the unions fault, you are correct there. The globalization of the economy had a lot to do with it.

How is Boston's budget looking these days? Good or bad? Is there "plenty of blame to go around", or is it largely because the city has astronimical union obligations that can never, ever be paid for?
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