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Old 12-04-2013, 04:07 PM   #44
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
I think the initial post is misleading. The proposal made employee contributions to health care rise significantly and the pay increase was incremental at a few percent a year, not a 14+ percent one time raise.

That's not a sweetheart deal.

"The proposal made employee contributions to health care rise significantly"

Rise to 10% of the cost of their healthcare. They were asking the mployees to pay fopr 10% of the cost of their healthcare. While that may be more than they are currently paying, it's still nowhere near what the average private sector worker pays (which is I believe 30% of the cost of helthcare).

"That's not a sweetheart deal."

Maybe not to a Bolshevik like you it's not. To the taxpayers who are paying for the deal, it sure seems like a sweetheart deal, because it's a hell of a lot more lavish than what they get.

The state of IL is in awful financial shape. As such, it's not in any position to offer "sweetheart" deals to its employees. As someone who claims to work in finance or business in some capacity, shouldn't you know this?
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