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Old 12-04-2013, 08:47 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
The county seat of Will County is the fastest growing city in Illinois.

No, it's math. Let's say your healthcare cost only 10,000 a year. If you're paying 5 wait now 10 percent of that per year the few percent of a 30,000 dollar salary isn't going to mean squat. Even with best case scenarios for wage increases you're not talking a lot more per month…

Not sure what you're saying here, but didn't the county's offer call for those making $30,000 to pay 4.3 percent of salary for health insurance, and the higher ratios, 10% and 13.7% to apply for increasingly higher salaries?

Does your health insurance cost more? Then you're screwed.

Isn't Obamacare going to fix that?

And you can't grow if you can't provide basic services to the local economy. If anything this is trickle down economics. Invest in the infrastructure which promotes business growth.

Woa? Does that sound strange…I'll bet it does.

Wait, I thought you began by saying the county seat of Will County is the fastest growing city in Illinois? Wouldn't that be unlikely or "strange" to happen if the trickle down of providing basic services to the local economy and investment in the infrastructure to promote business growth wasn't already occurring?
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