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Old 12-05-2013, 07:26 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
No, it's math. Let's say your healthcare cost only 10,000 a year. If you're paying 5 wait now 10 percent of that per year the few percent of a 30,000 dollar salary isn't going to mean squat. Even with best case scenarios for wage increases you're not talking a lot more per month…

Actually, what employees paid under the old contract was 1% of their salary for health insurance and 2% for family coverage. So under the old contract, if insurance only cost $10,000/year, a single person whose salary was $30,000 would pay only $300/year for insurance, and for family coverage the cost would be $600/year. Wow, that is nice?

The County's proposal for a new contract was 4.7%, not of the salary for someone making $30,000, but 4.7% of the insurance cost. So, the cost for a $30,000/year employee's $10,000 insurance would by $470 per year. Wow, still pretty nice. Times are tough, but I guess asking someone to pay an extra $170/year for insurance is just too mean. Actually, $300 a MONTH ain't too bad nowadays. But public employees do deserve a better deal than the rest of us. A really much better deal.

Apparently they've settled. Would be interesting to see how that turned out.

Last edited by detbuch; 12-05-2013 at 10:23 PM..
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