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Old 12-05-2013, 08:01 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
And you can't grow if you can't provide basic services to the local economy. If anything this is trickle down economics. Invest in the infrastructure which promotes business growth.

Woa? Does that sound strange…I'll bet it does.

Then later you said: "I never said the unions needed to get what they wanted to create growth. Rather, as far as IL goes they appear to be in better position than most.

Why would you throw in a comment, then, that had nothing to do with the thread? And it might well be that Will County is in better position than most because it tries to keep its costs under control. In regard to the pre-strike negotiations the County Executive, Walsh, said "I have a responsibility to all residents and taxpayers of Will County. There is only so much money for the County's many needs. We must not only address our employees salaries and benefits requests, but also invest in critical infrastructure projects that benefit all our residents. We have a responsibility to be good stewards of the revenues that come into the county. That means not letting our buildings fall into further disrepair or failing to make investments for the future."

I assume you meant Will County, not IL when you said they appear to be in better position than most. Illinois is far from being in better position than most. Even the Illinois Democrats are seeing the light of fiscal necessity. The Democrat governor just signed a pension reform into law, which the unions, of course, will fight:

So the executive of Will County was looking out for growth in ways you approve and bargaining a contract that aimed for fiscal responsibility.

At least . . . I guess so. Politicians are such in your face liars now . . . and unions fight lying fire with lying fire . . . I guess.

Last edited by detbuch; 12-05-2013 at 10:31 PM..
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