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Old 12-21-2013, 09:05 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Nebe View Post
Yep. And that is called discrimination. You don't have to be gay. You can have aids, be black, mentally disabled, a redhead, etc.....

You started out with a few protected classifications, but when you got to redheads . . . is that a new legally protected class?

The fact is.. If you kick anyone out because you don't like or agree with their background, you deserve what's coming to you, because YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.... The baker really screwed up... He should have never ever ever told them that he refused to serve them because they were gay...

Did the baker actually "kick them out" or refuse to serve them? Did he refuse to sell what he had in stock to the gays? Don't know the whole story, but doesn't sound like he would have refused their request to buy donuts or whatever else he had in stock. Story doesn't say he was rude or nasty to them. Just didn't want to bake a cake for them that would trespass his religious convictions. This was in a state which also didn't support same sex marriage. Is that just too difficult, too much of a problem for the gays to abide? What was he supposed to "have coming to him?"

If he had said they were being disruptive, we would never have heard about this.
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Depends on whose ox is being gored. It sounds like their request was disruptive to his convictions. And maybe those convictions also included not lying about his motive. He was, as the judge phrased it in describing what should not be discriminated against, simply being who or what he is. And what is an anti-discrimination law worth if all you have to do is lie about your motive? C'mon Nebe, you know that would not have washed. As Scott said, this was more than just about a cake. If he had asked them to leave because they were being disruptive, you actually believe they would have left and let the matter be? This is just too good of an opportunity to push an agenda . . . as Rob Emanuel said . . . don't let a crisis go to waste. It has the whiff of a possible set-up. If not, it sure turned out as if it were.

Last edited by detbuch; 12-21-2013 at 09:11 PM..
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