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Old 12-23-2013, 10:03 AM   #12
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Nebe View Post
If the baker wants to be left alone, the baker should not run a business that is open to the public.

So can the baker refuse to sell to whoever he does not feel that his religion agrees with??
What if he refused service to blacks??
What if he refused service to Muslims???

Jim, the thing you are not grasping is that he is forcing his religion on the gays.. Because he is telling them he won't sell them a cake because his religion does not agree with it.

I don't know if I have said this yet, but the biggest homophobes are always the ones who fight a constant struggle to repress their own gay urges.. I mean really... What kind of Colorado cowboy decides he is going to make pretty cakes with little roses all over them??
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"Jim, the thing you are not grasping is that he is forcing his religion on the gays.. "

Wrong What you cannot grasp, is that there is a huge difference between asking to be left alone to paractice one's religion, and actively forcing your religion on someone else.

What is the baker doing to "force" anything on these guys? Is he asking them to go to church? Is he asking them to go to confession, or to accept Jesus? Is he asking them to speak out against gay marriage? Is he asking them to read the Bible, or to get communion?

No, no, no, and no. What the baker is asking, is to be allowed to practice his religion as he sees fit, without interference from the government.

"So can the baker refuse to sell to whoever he does not feel that his religion agrees with??
What if he refused service to blacks?? What if he refused service to Muslims???"

Let's say I own a restaurant. I don't think I'd have the right to exclude Muslims who wanted to come in and eat. But if Muslims asked me to cater, and therefore participate in, a Muslim religious ceremony, I should have the right to refuse. Not that I would personally refuse, but like it or not, I have the constitutional right to do so.

It is the gays, and the court, that are trying to force this man to participate (as he sees it) in something which violates his religion. That doesn't sit well with me.

"I don't know if I have said this yet, but the biggest homophobes are always the ones who fight a constant struggle to repress their own gay urges.. "

Yeah, yeah, whatever. The more opposed one is to homosexuality, the more gay that person is, right? Sure. Now you're a psychiatrist. Using your 'logic', if I think all pedophiles should be put in jail for life, does that make me a closet child molester, Dr Freud?

"What kind of Colorado cowboy decides he is going to make pretty cakes with little roses all over them??"

You're an artist, so that makes you a sissy too then? When backed into a corner from which there is no escape, just insult the guy for his career choice.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 12-23-2013 at 10:16 AM..
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