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Old 12-29-2013, 05:27 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by likwid View Post
Can you tell me where it says baking a cake for a gay couple is condemned by his religion?

I cannot tell you where it is condemned by his religion to bake a cake with a bomb in it for a jihadist. I can't even tell you where it is condemned by his religion to bake a cake with poison in it for a suicidal nut or someone who wants to kill his wife. Nor can I tell you where it is made mandatory in his religion to bake a cake for a gay couple, or for anybody else. I cannot tell you if his religion approves or disapproves of cakes. Not sure, but I don't think his religion approves of jihadist bombers, or suicide, or killing your wife. And I don't think his religion approves of helping anyone to do those things. I don't think his religion condones homosexual marriage. I think, quite the contrary, it considers the act of consummating same sex as sodomy. I cannot tell you if his religion is OK with the baker helping folks to celebrate their sodomy, or if it is totally indifferent to it, but I defer to the baker's own interpretation. I'm sure you disagree with it, but your not baking the cake.

IT'S NOT ABOUT SIMPLY BAKING A CAKE! No one disagrees with your wide, perhaps infinite, latitude of agreeability. But you simply cannot grant any reason for the baker's motives because you think they're stupid. I think it was G.K. Chesterton who said something like what marks a bigot is not being able to see even the possibility of the other side's opinion.

Its not like he was a party favor for the after party.

He was asked to do a service (paid favor) for the party.

Using "religious reasons" in this day and age, for denying services, is just stupid.

Is that because religion is meaningless in this day and age? Apparently, many others don't see it that way. If you think religion was only useful in another day and age because it kept you out of a persecutor's rack, and had no other meaning than to get ahead in society, then it would have been intrinsically meaningless in all days and ages. And would have been just another social scheme, like all the social schemes of today, to make your life "better." Our social climbers and equal opportunity seekers are today participating in the scheme of today's political religion and bowing to its god the State. I guess, if the mantle of "religion" has been rewoven into the cloak of secular worship, religion is "stupid" and gaming the system is "smart."

And if its true, that he baked a cake for 2 dogs getting married, then wouldn't that be in violation too? Since thats taking part in a wedding that is not of a "man and a woman"?
It's not taking part or contributing to a "marriage" in either the biblical or the political sense. It is baking to satisfy someone's personal fantasy--which most cakes, in some way, do.
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