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Old 12-30-2013, 02:37 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by likwid View Post
Baking a cake for a gay wedding isn't "taking part" either.
Its just baking a cake.

You're contradicting yourself, keep your stories straight!
It was you who said that if he baked a cake for two dogs getting married it would be "taking part" in a wedding that is not of a "man and a woman". That is what I responded to. So if you are now saying that analogously baking a cake for a gay wedding ISN'T "taking part" then it is you , not I, who is contradicting himself, and it is you who should keep your story straight.

And I didn't say that baking the cake was not "taking part or contributing" to the two dog "wedding." I said it was not taking part or contributing to a "marriage" in either a biblical or political sense. That is, it was not a marriage in any real sense as was the gay marriage. It was, I'm guessing, some kind of fantasy by the dog owners. So the baker was indeed contributing to the phony dog marriage that had no impact on his religious beliefs.
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