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Old 01-11-2014, 03:23 PM   #2
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
You guys are funny. Here's Christie in a pickle and you just can't help but make it about Obama. I should trademark "Benghazi" as I'd make a fortune.

Records being released make it seem impossible Christie isn't lying about his knowledge, even if he didn't have a hand in the actual event.

The conservatives here seem to have concluded that Christie deserves whatever heat he takes. When did you say that about Obama? When the stimulus failed to keep unemployment under 8%? After Benghazi? After the IRS scandal? After the Obamacare website disaster? Answer: nope.

Spence, you began this thread with the assumption that I was a hypocrite who would point out liberal flaws, but give Christie a pass. Clearly you were mistaken, yet again.

Spence, there is one, and only one, ideological fanatic here who refuses to criticize his own party no matter what. That could not be more clear. It is demonstrably true.
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