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Old 01-15-2014, 02:53 PM   #13
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
The report you cite was a product of the Senate Intel Committee which isn't run by's bi-partisan. From what I've read it pretty much aligns with the independent review from a year ago.

It doesn't appear to establish anything new. It's been known for some time that participants in the attack had some level of linkage to groups claiming to be al Qaeda in north Africa, but there's still no evidence of material involvement by those groups or involvement by core alQaeda in Pakistan.

Anyone can raise a black flag and claim to be alQaeda.

To Paul's response...she said those responsible would come out in the investigation but the priority should be on the initial actions necessary to protect out people. Funny, Jim never posts the entire remarks...

"the Senate Intel Committee which isn't run by democrats"

The Senate Intel committee has a chairperson who runs the committee. That chairperson is Diane Feinstein. Ms Feinstein is a Democrat. Therefore that committee, like every single senate committee, is run by the democrats. Am I going too fast for you?

There are 15 members of the committee...7 Republicans, 7 democrats, an an independent who caucuses with the Democrats. Stop embarassing yourself.

Nebe said that the link to Al Queda was fabricated by a reporter. The report issued by the senate intelligence committee, run by those in your party, seems to contradict that.

"Anyone can raise a black flag and claim to be alQaeda."

That's true. Presumably, however, the Senate intelligence committee has some ability to differentiate between genuine Al Queda, and some wannabe. If that's not the case, perhaps Senator Feinstein is in over her head.
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