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Old 01-30-2014, 03:10 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Slipknot View Post
I like making "lame comments" about how inefficient charities run their organizations, I forgot how perfect you were likwid and how you must be friends with the bigwigs who make those huge salaries. I would ask them myself if I had any reasonable disposable money laying around, but I guess I'd rather donate other stuff to those in need directly. I'm sure the things they do for wounded warriors is helping many, but the more I learn , the more I see it is not exactly spread evenly.
While I'm still awaiting my exile I have to comment on this thread.

Excellent reply Slip.Couldn't have said it better myself but I'll try anyway.

To likwid:For the last 20+yrs I have worked construction mostly as a painter and before that did 4yrs myself.My oh such much better half has worked for the same insurance company for 29yrs.Between taxes,the mortgage and a thousand other headaches we are just getting by.When I donate it has to count,I'm sure as hell not going to donate to an organization that pays the people who run it six figure salaries and whether you approve or not,WWP is now one of those organizations.

There really are better places you can donate your money(and time!) to where all of it goes to the people who truly need it...just look in your local community.
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