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Old 03-11-2014, 03:43 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
The growth in size and influence of corporations has been mirrored by that of the Federal government. They pretty much go hand in hand. It's difficult at times to know which drives who. But the ball mostly got rolling initially by government (with good intentions, of course).

And we are told it is for our own good . No need to rant. That would be considered extreme. Enjoy your Dale's Pale. This is the best of all possible worlds. And if you see a crackpot Tea Partier passing by, give him the finger or throw the empty bottle in his direction.
"In the elite view the problem is the people. We should dissolve the people and elect another.

Of course. Liberals believe that the only way for their kind -- the creative, educated, evolved kind -- to make the world a better place is for the middle class to be defeated. That's certainly what the liberals in Fred Siegel's Revolt Against the Masses all seem to think.

But suppose the opposite is true, that the problem is not the people but the political elite?

Never mind, say the liberals. We, the creative class, the compassionate class, are needed to come like gods among men to protect the traditionally marginalized from the rape of corporate greed.

But when things go wrong these creative intellectuals, these gods among men, are nowhere to be found.

Oh no, they cry. The backward people are getting lured into nationalism. Oh no! Look at the “growing size of the state” and debt-fueled entitlements! What's wrong with democracy?

What you must not do, liberals, is continue to appeal over the heads of the middle class to the people of the collective self, the people that haven't yet learned the trick of life and work in the city. Someday your grandchildren, if you have any, will admit that every direct appeal of the creative class to the lower orders has ended up a disaster, from special privileges for labor unions to government education to business regulation to entitlements to socialism. Why? Because all these ideas are pre-modern, pre-individualist, and negate the idea of personal responsibility.

You see, liberals, a world without personal responsibility is not a Kumbaya world of fuzzy collective consensus. It is a world wrenched back in time to the rule of the patriarch or its modern derivative, the charismatic lightbringer. In the age of cities, science, markets, commerce, it fails every time it's been tried.

But you liberals are educated. You already knew that."
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