Thread: Frustrated
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Old 03-13-2014, 11:50 AM   #2
Eric Roach
Big E
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Seabrook, NH
Posts: 681
I hear you. Somewhere in this forum is a picture of one of Numbskull's plugs on fire in the snow. I always think of that when things go continually wrong.

Sometimes, no matter what, things are going to fail but I've found the more I try to rush things along the greater the chance of something going awry. Not saying that's what you're doing, but it has hindered me.

With through-drilling hard woods, I got advice at the beginning to "go slooooooow", especially when making the initial contact with the bit.

Yeah, just leave it be for a while until you remember why you wanted to make them in the first place -- it's supposed to be fun. And hey, some of the failures are indeed humorous.

Good luck and "keep plugging" along.
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