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Old 03-24-2014, 08:12 AM   #25
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post

They don't just donate to Republicans, the Koch brothers objective is to eliminate progressivism. .

Let's say that's true...why does that deserve any attention on the floor of the US Senate? Spence, why is it the official business of the United States Senate, that the Koch brothers want to end progressivism? Is it a crime for a private citizen to advocate for the elimination of progressivism?

If Reid wants to bash the Koch brothers during a campaign speech or fundraiser, I have no problem with that. He has zero business doing that while serving in his official capacity. The Unites States Government has no business taking the stance that the Koch brothers are any sort of malignant presence.

I guess I missed the proclamation that liberal politicians are now officially maintaining an enemies list?
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