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Old 03-25-2014, 06:49 AM   #43
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
"[B]Jim didn't ask about the Koch brothers, he asked about Harry Reid's personal attack of them on the Senate floor...the response by the usual suspects is to attack the Koch brothers and ignore Harry Reid's behavior...amazing.... [/url]
Damn right, Liberals did the same exact thing, when in the 2008 campaign, Obama shot himself in the foot by admitting his goal was to "spread the wealth around." What did the liberals do? Did they explain what Obama meant? Did they try to state why "spreading the wealth around" is actually good policy? No. Instead, they launched personal attacks against the innocent man who asked a simple question, Joe The Plumber. He's not a licensed plumber, he didn't pay his taxes, he beats his wife, he's actually a mass-murderer, blah, blah, blah. Never address the issue at hand. Always divert attention to the evil republicans. I'm not even sure they are consciously aware that they are doing it.
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