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Old 03-26-2014, 08:12 AM   #11
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND View Post
I haven't been following this closely, as things have been a bit hectic lately, but I heard this article cited this morning.

take the source for what it is, but IF Hobby Lobby covered some forms of contraception before the ACA, doesn't it seem mildly hypocritical now to be against it purely on religious beliefs?
From what I heard, Hobby Lobby is specifically objecting to being forced to provide the kinds of contraception that can take effect after conception. That can be considered to be an abortificant, pardon my spelling. I don't think they are objecting to condoms...they are objecting specifically to things that could potentially be used after conception.

Furthermore, I don't know that the timing matters. Maybe they just converted to Christianity. I don't know that there is a statute of limitations on claiming tht your constitutional rights are currently being violated.

They aren't objecting to all kinds of contraception. But Obama, naturaly (since Obama is the most rabidly pro-abortion president we will ever have) had to take it to unimaginable levels.
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