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Old 03-26-2014, 12:03 PM   #9
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND View Post
So the rights of the 13,000 employees must be mandated by the bosses, huh? No one is MAKING the hobby lobby family use the contraception, just to allow their employees to obtain it under their healthcare.

So it is either the business applying their morals/beliefs to 13,000 employees or the ACA doing it to the owners..

it is not a simple argument either way....
"So the rights of the 13,000 employees must be mandated by the bosses, huh?"

How do you think it works? Do employees get to determine their own wages and benefits, and I missed that announcement? Bosses make the rules.

"just to allow their employees to obtain it under their healthcare. "

Who pays for most of the healthcare costs? The owners of the company. Come on, I think you know this...

"either the business applying their morals/beliefs to 13,000 employees"

Absolutely wrong. The business owners are not forcing their personal beliefs onto their employees. The employees, in this case, are free to do whatever they want, they are free to buy whatever they want, they are free to fornicate however they want. The owners simply want to be left out of it. If the employees want to sleep around, why does the employer have to pay for the safety gear? If I ride motorcycles in my free time, does my employer have to give me a free helmet?

"it is not a simple argument either way"

If you pretend we don't have a Constitution, I suppose it's a complicated argument. If you concede that we have a Constitution and a Bill Of Rights therein, it gets very simple, very quickly. How do you get around that?

Rockhound, please tell me, how is the business owner trying to force his beliefs onto his employees? The business owner doesn't want to personally pay the bill for that which violates his religion, but the employees are free to do as they wish with their own money. The only thing forced upon the employee, is the respobsibility for paying for certain kinds of contraception.
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