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Old 03-27-2014, 10:21 AM   #7
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
By that logic, what substantial burden is there on Hobby Lobby to comply with Federal law? The company is using resources (i.e. employees) which may not share the same religious convictions. Then...According to Jesus Christ, as long as the owners of the Hobby Lobby lead their life according to his teaching everything should be all hunky dory…

"By that logic, what substantial burden is there on Hobby Lobby to comply with Federal law?"

Of course they have to obey the law. But Congress, and the Courts, must make sure that the laws do not violate the Constitution.

"The company is using resources (i.e. employees) which may not share the same religious convictions."

Correct, the company does not require employees to share their religious views. Hence, the employees are free to fornicate all they want, and get as many abortions as they want. The employees, the way I read the Constitution, are not allowed to force the owners to pay for their choice to engage in recreational sex.

"According to Jesus Christ, as long as the owners of the Hobby Lobby lead their life according to his teaching everything should be all hunky dory"

More simple-minded, petty mockery of that which you disagree with.
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