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Old 03-28-2014, 02:45 PM   #52
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This has been a very informative thread so far and made me get off my butt and take a serious look at what if I'm doing the best I can with my retirement savings. I've been with the same company 30 years and started 30 years ago slowly each year increasing the deduction from my paycheck. I just initially picked what co-workers agreed to invest in, and not risky, and let it ride. The problem I'm having is, at 56, after 30 years of dedicated service I think I'm being unceremoniously phased out. I'm scared I'm going to be forced to break the one most important rule about retirement savings I've learned, and that's under no circumstances touch that money for any reason until you retire. My wife and I aren't extravagent in our spending so I'm just praying when the time comes I can find something for a few years just to keep the lights on. I've been thinking about it for a while, but I think a financial advisor is in my future, too, as some others have mentioned.

Fishing is a... discipline in the equality of men - for all men are equal before fish. ~Herbert Hoover
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