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Old 04-13-2014, 03:46 PM   #16
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Well, first off is that even true? I've never heard about it and have picked up plenty of prescriptions in the past few years...

Even if it were true (hint: it's not) they're completely different scenarios. Giving the wrong prescription to someone could kill them.

Did you read the full transcript of what he said or is your entire opinion based off a quote lacking context?

"Well, first off is that even true?" It is true. I'm not on Obamacare thank Christ, but I have to show my id every time I go to the pharmacy. You also need an id to buy cigarettes and alcohol, I think to get a library card. Are all of those regulations rooted in racism?

"Did you read the full transcript of what he said or is your entire opinion based off a quote lacking context?"

Spence, in what context did he mean the 'passport' reference? Put that in any context you want, it's still ignorant, dishonest, race-baiting demagoguery. And why did he say those people "can't" have enough money to travel, what the hell does that mean? Why "can't" they? Because of the Koch brothers, or is it all Rupert Murdoch's fault?

I'll concede that voter fraud isn't at the top of my list of concerns. But Obama is saying that the effort to ensure voter integrity, is tantamount to racism. It's bullsh*t, and I cannot fathom that we have a President who would stoop to that, all in an effort to kiss the azz of a hate-peddling liar like Al harpton. Al Sharpton commands the attention of the President of the US? Are you kidding me? Jay Z and Al Sharpton can get an audience with our President at the snap of their finger?

"Giving the wrong prescription to someone could kill them"

That's true. It's also true that if I say my name is Jese Jackson and I vote in that name, I am depriving Jesse Jackson of his sacred right to vote. The voters should be thankful for anyone who wants to take such an obviously harmless step to ensure voter integrity. It's unbelievable that anyone could possibly interpret that as racism.
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