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Old 04-16-2014, 07:21 PM   #1
Jim in CT
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Jay Carney family photoshoot was fake

So a magazine called The Washingtonian did a puff piece on Jay Carney (Obama's press secretary) and his wife and 2 kids. There was a cute picture (I really thought it was cute) of Carney and his wife a a podium in their study, pretending to answer questions from their kids, who are pretending to be the press corps. Behind the Carneys are shelves and shelves full of books. Carney wants to appear smart and well-read.

Problem? It was photoshopped. Breitbart, naturally, broke the story, you can see that several of the books are photoshhopped in multiple places, and they didn't do it well, because on the right side of the screen, you can see a photoshopped image of the little boy's finger, hovering in space, over some of the books which were copied from their place on the left side. Breitbard says there were no less than 5 identical copies of War and Peace on the shelves. They must really like to read.

We need to elect people, from both parties, who are above this nonsense. We need strict term limits, and to elect legislatures who are willing to serve, and more importantly, cannot wait to get out of Washington and back to their lives.

This cracks me up. I wonder if Carney will show any shame. Doubtful, though. These people (elites from both parties) have no shame. It's amazing.
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