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Old 04-17-2014, 05:46 AM   #10
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
It's worse than that, he's clueless.

Jim, seriously. This wasn't a puff piece about Jay Carney, it was a puff piece about his wife in an Entertainment Magazine. The photos were all silly and staged and should be obviously so.

What's the best is the number of right wing sites faking outrage in an attempt to manufacture some ill will...there they go again...

I'm not sure what this thread really proves...that some will go to any lengths to discredit others...or that people really will buy anything. Perhaps it's both.

"The photos were all silly and staged and should be obviously so."

Did you read the piece? Here's why I ask. When I posted the lies that Obama said about those who oppose Obamacare, you admitted you hadn't read it, but yet you concluded that the quotes were taken out of context. Here, you are concluding that it was intended to be staged.

So your pattern is that you automatically conclude (sometimes without reading the articles) that there cannot possibly be a valid reason to say anything negative about those you agree with.

The article was a puff piece, it was not satire. The point of the article was how successfully Carney's wife is with juggling family and work, and why therefore everyone should buy her new book about empowering women. Therefore, if anything, the article was trying sincerely to paint her in the most competent light possible. Finally, his wife was interviewed on one of the talk shows, and they specifically mentioned how many books were visible in the photo, and that therefore the Carneys must all be very brilliant indeed, a family we should all emulate. I didn't hear her tell us that we shouldn't take that seriously because it was staged.

Is it the end of the world? Nope. Is it funny to me? Yup.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 04-17-2014 at 05:54 AM..
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