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Old 04-17-2014, 09:45 AM   #18
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Carney is the puppet who mouths the party line for public consumption. He is the messenger of the messaging. The strings are pulled and he speaks perception as reality. He and his puppet masters create the appearances necessary to maintain power. It "appears" that Republicans want to suppress the vote by wanting ID for voting. It "appears" that conservatives have a war on women if they resist paying for someone else's contraceptives. It "appears" that right wingers want to keep the poor down by opposing federal minimum wage regulation. It "appears" that Republicans want to deny health care if they oppose federally mandated insurance. And it "appears" that Democrats are really about solving joblessness with federally sponsored "job training" programs which are periodically dusted off and paraded every few years as the solution even though their impact for the past 60 years is negligible. The same for minimum wage which has more impact as a trigger for inflation and job shrinkage than the blessings it is supposed to promote.

And so on. And on, and on, and on.

There is little qualitative difference in the smart, pragmatic, "messaging" whether it is photo shopped or verbally shopped. It is "brilliant" if it "works." But it is laughable when exposed.
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