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Old 04-18-2014, 04:11 PM   #80
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post

Jim, Clinton was speaking out against voter ID laws, but suggested that a photographic SS card could be a way to ease potential voter suppression caused by state laws.

I'm sorry to have to break this to you.

You're not "breaking" anything to me. You are confirming what I said - that Clinton supports the notion of requiring a photo id (SS card) to vote. Why is getting a SS card with photo less likely to result in voter suppression, then a state id?

Finally Spence, you are repeatedly and cowardly dodging the only question that matters. Why does the requirement suppress more black votes than white votes.

I presume that you refuse to answer, because despite all your searching on The Huffington Post and The Daily Worker, you can't find anything that any of your fellow World Traveler posted that is on point. So you claim it's a racist policy, but you will offer absolutely zero evidence to support that. That's one hell of a solid position you have, when you have to duck a question as simple as "why do you think that"? Clearly you have given this a lot of thought, and considered both sides of the issue...
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