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Old 04-23-2014, 09:27 AM   #119
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
I love it, comparing Wyoming with Washington DC. Brilliant analysis...

This issue actually has been studied.

Remember that in areas like DC or Chicago with tough gun laws and yet ample crime that the crime generally was present before the gun laws were passed...that's why they have tough gun laws, to aid with prosecution. Given the easy availability of firearms outside of restricted areas I don't think you can assume a localized law will have a depressing impact on behavior...although that's what the NRA would like you to believe.

The reason so many gun control advocates want Federal legislation is precisely because localized efforts are challenged by short-termism and open state borders.

Very few in this country want to ban weapons entirely, but the opposing position -- that more guns is always the answer -- is just as faulty.

"I love it, comparing Wyoming with Washington DC. Brilliant analysis..."

Aha! But it was you, not I, who said that gun crime is driven primarily by gun ownership. If what you said had a shred of validity to it, then the crime rates in DC and Wyoming would be a function of gun ownership. And clearly, that is not the case. My data refutes that as clearly as anything can be refuted.

You are right! The citizens of DC and the citizens of Wyoming are very different. And it is the cultural and socioeconomic differences between the 2 groups, not merely the presence of guns, that is the root cause of gun crime. There is a reason why 50 Cent and Snoop Dog don't do concerts in Wyoming and South Dakota, yet they sell out in places like DC and Chicago (meaning, they sell out in places with high crime rates). Thank you for making my point for me. You don't often hear radical liberals concede that you cannot compare expected behavior between those who live in DC and those who live in Wyoming...

"that's why they have tough gun laws, to aid with prosecution"

There is nothing you won't make up, will you? In the aftermath of the Newtown shooting, liberals were not calling for tough gun laws "to aid with the prosecution" of the gunmen. The liberals were calling for tough gun laws, because they claim it will reduce gun crime and save lives. Can't you go 5 seconds without being so blatantly dishonest?

I'll ask you again...Why can the citizens of Wyoming own so many more guns than the citizens of DC, yet commit so much less crime?

Why can't you answer that? Could it be the fact that there is no answer to that question, which doesn't repudiate your claims here?
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