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Old 04-23-2014, 09:55 AM   #1
Jim in CT
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Supreme C ourt upholds Michingan ban on affirmative action

By a shocking 7-2 vote, the Supreme Court upheld Michigan's ban of affirmative action. Obama appointee Sonia Sotomayor (who is Hispanic) said her colleagues "fundamentally misunderstand" the issue of racial bias at the heart of the dispute and chided them for not talking more openly about it.

One of her colleagues who, according to her, doesn't really understand racial bias is Clarence Thomas, a black man who grew up in the segregated south. He continued to experience racism first-hand right up until his confirmation hearings, when the Democrats (you know, the ones who really care about black people) crucified him with made-up charges related to maybe the worst black stereotype of all, that they are as horny as golden retrievers in heat and cannot control their lust. My favorite part of those hearings was when Senator Ted Kennedy lectured Thomas for mistreating women. That moment was when my father stopped being a Democrat.

Justice Sotomayor once belonged to a Hispanic advocacy group called "La Raza", which means "The Race". Not "a" race among many, but "the" race. The one race, the one that matters the most to her. She claims that Clarence Thomas doesn't understand racial bias as well as she does. And she'll be on that court until I'm 85 years old.

Hip hip, hooray!

PS, it's time for affirmative action to get discarded. If we want to help people on the fringe, we should make those decisions based on wealth, not on race. A rich black kid doesn't need the government to show him favoritism as much as a poor white kid.
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