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Old 04-28-2014, 07:40 AM   #3
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I believe the proper term is "fully sealed." The plug is through wired in the same manner as a swiveled hook. There are no complex wire forms or other mechanisms. You make hook hangers from cutoff pieces of the through wire and use them instead of swivels.

The hook hangers are fixed, therefore, they introduce leverage therefore most builders use swivels to attach the hooks. I believe Lefty started in NJ, and rumor was he tried to copy a bomber. That is what I have heard.

It is a very simple process, after you have the hook hangers, you would seal off the holes and pour in epoxy. Then cover the last bit with sculp wood or plumbers putty or bondo and sand smooth.

There are a few epoxy items that make this process easier.

If you need additional information let me know and I can send you what you need.


Let me know if you need anything additional. Being from Jersey, I'm well aware and have built a few plugs in this manner. I do believe that swivels are superior.
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