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Old 05-02-2014, 10:17 AM   #51
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by justplugit View Post
"Likely" and "Assume" are some pretty wishy wash words. That e mail was only released after Judicial Watch ,the non partisan watch dog group , sued over the Freedom of Information Act.

No,"More importantly ",the Terrorists who killed the 4 Americans, have not been brought to justice as Obama promised, and in addition 4 days after the attack when the bodies were flown home and Hilary met with the parents, when the CIA had already called it a Terrorist attack at 3:15 AM the day of the attack the parents were told it was caused by the video. That is not a "likely " or "assumed" story, it's a fact, I saw the interview with one of the Mothers.
Let's put aside the cover-up, which, I can "assume", was "likely" orchestrated to prevent an adverse impact on the election.

Spence, the top military general in that region said he was never ordered to move any of his assets into Libya in the immediate moments after the attack started. Why the f*ck not?

Hilary promised the families o fthe fallen that the murderers would be brought to justice. How many have been arrested?
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