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Old 05-02-2014, 09:17 PM   #67
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Once the Americans arrived at Tripoli the threat was far less and I'd assume not requiring special forces. If I remember right they left on an Air Force transport. This wasn't like the fall of Siagon...

No that's not what I'm saying.

Ok, so let's get this straight:

The Mullen investigation didn't know about your Croatian team.

The House investigation didn't know about your Croatian team.

The Military leadership who testified under oath didn't know about your Croatian team.

Rep. Howard "Buck" McKeon, R-Calif, Chairman of the House Committee on Armed Services didn't know about your Croatian team.

These people are all clearly incompetent because you Jim, heard something.

"the threat was far less and I'd assume not requiring special forces."

The point is, Obama could not have known what the timeframe was going to be, at the time he decided not to order the quick reaction forces to get there as soon as possible (unless he did give that order, but I don't think he did).

Spence, you seem to be justifying the actions of the administration, because it turns out that it's unlikely that forces could have helped. That's not the least bit relevant, because Obama didn't know how long the attack would last, right?

"The Mullen investigation didn't know about your Croatian team.

The House investigation didn't know about your Croatian team.

The Military leadership who testified under oath didn't know about your Croatian team.

Rep. Howard "Buck" McKeon, R-Calif, Chairman of the House Committee on Armed Services didn't know about your Croatian team.

These people are all clearly incompetent because you Jim, heard something."

Only from Martin Dempsey, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs...if this piece is true, which maybe it's not. But it's wy we need a meaningful hearing, with everyone there and willing to answer questions. Look, if Obama told special forces to get there ASAP, and the closest unit was on the way but stopped when they learned that it was over, no one would have a problem with that. But if forces were not given the order to go, then regardless of whether or not it turns out they could have got there in time, someone needs to explain why they weren't ordered to go.

Why is that a controversial position to take? Seems to me, that one is only unwilling to ask the question, if one knows that the answer would damage someone they support.

I seem to recall Obama claiming he'd have the most open and transparent administration ever. Let's end this with one hearing that leaves no questions unanswered.

Sorry that Fox is the source of some of this. Could be that Sean Hannity is on a witch hunt. Or it could be that they are the only ones willing to ask anything resembling a tough question to our Dear Leader. An open and honest hearing would answer that once and for all. McCain I not a right wing attack dog, neither is Lindsay Graham. They both claim there are a lot of unanswered questions. McCain is not Ted Cruz or Darrell Issa.
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