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Old 09-24-2003, 12:21 PM   #9
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Join Date: Dec 2000
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Know all about bad knees......8 years working in the supermarket during high school and college did mine in....nothing like stocking shelves on a cold hard cement/tile floor to totally ruin them.

Went to a orthopeadic surgeon about a year and a half ago.....he told me the cartiledge is all but gone, and I would need replacement surgery on BOTH of them anywhere from 1 -5 years from the meantime, he gave me 6 weeks of PT that did just about nothing.

The Glucosamine/Chondrotin/MSM has helped a bit in the year or so I've been taking it.

Anyway, in this area, I'm told Baptist Hospital in Boston is THE place to go. When and if I decide to do something about them, that's where I am headed.

One problem with knee replacement.....I am told that they don't last too long, and need to be done again after awhile. But Baptist eveidently has some new micro/robotic surgery that can make the nerve/tendon connections such that the replacements last a whole lot longer. Evidently, the connections are the biggest thing that makes "traditional" replacemnts fail after 15 years or so. This new technique is supposed to be a whole lot better, with less rehab time, and lasts a lot longer.....

Just food for thought.......
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