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Old 05-07-2014, 09:31 AM   #90
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
The mirror-image of your statement would be this...I can't believe the left is willing to sweep the deaths of 4 superb Americans under the rug, in order to preserve the reputation of our megalomaniac-in-chief.

Th etruth is somewhere between your statement and mine. I htink there are still un-answered questions. John McCain and Lindsay Graham are not right-wing fanatics, I presume they are truthful when they say we need this hearing. If it turns out that it was nothing more than a political witchhunt, hold them acountable.

The GOP picked the right guy to head these hearings.
So what have they found so far? Nothing.

I think the WH shouldn't have said anything until they were 100% clear. However if that happened people would be up in arms about the silence. With the 24/7 coverage, you're dammed if you do, dammed if you don't.

And didn't Hillary say in her "what difference does it make" speach something along the lines of .... "as long as we find out who did it, why and how to prevent it from happening again".

Last edited by PaulS; 05-07-2014 at 09:36 AM..
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