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Old 05-14-2014, 09:35 AM   #21
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by buckman View Post
I care where he was. I'm of the understanding he knew the attack was taking place . If he shrugged it off and passed on the decision making to others then I would like someone held accountable..... for the first time in the past 6 years !!!
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"I'm of the understanding he knew the attack was taking place "

I'm sure you're right. He had to know.

"If he shrugged it off and passed on the decision making to others "

We shuold know whether or not he took the reins or passed it off. But I don't think that where he was, answers that question. He could have been on a golf course, but dropped everything to take charge of this. Or, he coud have been in the situation room, chatting online with Beyonce while it was unfolding. My point is, his exact location doesn't necessarily tell you whether or not he was leading here.

"I would like someone held accountable.."

I suspect that those who dropped the ball, are about to get, at long last, raked over the coals a bit.

"for the first time in the past 6 years "

Come on, give credit where it's due. Obama has held someone at fault for the events of the last 6 years - George Bush. And the wealthy 1% (excluding his pals in Hollywood, of course). And racists. And of course, Foxnews! Sorry, I mean Fauxnews, haw haw haw!!
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