Thread: Was He or Not
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Old 06-04-2014, 02:34 PM   #1
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
A response to this I heard from a military leader basically dismissed this notion by stating they're trying to snatch Americans all the time already...

Yes, presidents used to "say" that but most of them do it any way.

Bush certainly did it in Iraq and I'd wager it happens a lot more frequently than most people are aware.

"A response to this I heard from a military leader..." Spence, you can usually find someone out there who will offer a quotethat supports your defense of Ogama. That doesn't make it right. How about telling us what you think.

"dismissed this notion by stating they're trying to snatch Americans all the time already"

OK. So everyone is wrong who says that if you reward people for bad behavior, you will encourage more bad behavior. I want to be clear, that's what you are saying? It's not reasonable to assume that anyone out there will see that the Taliban was handsomely rewarded for kidnapping this American, and be more likely to follow suit?

"Bush certainly did it in Iraq "

He negotiated with terrorists? Please explain...Prisoner exchanges happen all the time, in accordance with the Geneva Convention. That's not what this was, not by a long shot.

"I'd wager it happens a lot more frequently than most people are aware."

Shocker. You'll wager that what your hero did here, wasn't stupid.
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