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Old 07-02-2014, 11:34 AM   #34
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
I'm still dumfounded how Alito could play the corporations are people card without any reference to Citizens United.

There's a lot of irony as well.

So the for profit corporation now has deep Christian convictions that must not be infringed...but what would Jesus think about company owned by billionaires?

And perhaps the best part is the Right celebrating a case where the Court says the easy solution is for the Government to just pay for the contraception.

That's rich.

While this case may not open up the flood gates like some predict I do think it's opened up a can of worms the Court may regret.

"could play the corporations are people card"

No one is sayng corporations are people. What they're saying, is that the owner of a small business isn't obligated to leave his religion at the door to his office.

"I do think it's opened up a can of worms the Court may regret."

When the Supreme Court is deciding the constitutionality of a law, they aren't supposed to be concerned with the inconvenient ramifications of their decision. The constitutionality is what matters.
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